Indigenous – click on image to view video


An Indigenous psychologist of the Gamilaraay people explains why western psychology doesn’t translate into Aboriginal society. Clinton studied psychology out of necessity to become formally qualified to carry out his vision. While obtaining that degree he realised there was nothing in the field of psychology concerning Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. In this video he explains why western psychology doesn’t make sense in an Aboriginal society. Clinton doesn’t just believe a broader perspective will benefit Indigenous people. He believes the whole world could use a little bit of guidance from Australia’s first peoples.


Tui Raven speaks on Ted talk

Tui can only speak for herself. Join her as she gives her perspective on growing up as an Aboriginal person in city and country Western Australia. In her talk, she will share humorous anecdotes which touch on beauty, identity and language. Tui is a UWA Alumni and Aboriginal cultural advisor. Educated with part-time studies in the school of hard knocks, her list of work experience can be described as a “Jack of all trades” which includes: administrative investigator, observational evidence gatherer, project officer, Indigenous policymaker, artist, carpenter and cocktail maker. She is also a linguist-in-training and although she is a frustrated linguaphile who speaks only one language fluently, she has a passion for all languages and keeping home languages alive. As the former Indigenous Literacy Officer at the State Library of Western Australia, she was involved in an early year’s English literacy program for remote West Australian communities. She has also advocated for home language usage. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.

Aboriginal Elder’s perspective on Permaculture, Dreamtime, Going Walkabout, Life Purpose and Culture

Morag Gamble  and Australian Aboriginal Elder, Wiruungga Dunggiirr ( in a wide-ranging conversation about permaculture, finding life purpose, bush foods, bush medicines, the Dreamtime, creating a new Dreaming, going walkabout and creating a shared culture. With great humour and humility, Wiruungga, an Elder from the Namba Gumbaynggiirr Nation, in the central coast of New South Wales, gives us a fascinating insight into Aboriginal culture, but also the reality of life on Aboriginal communities today.

He teaches aboriginal studies, spiritual healing, bush tucker, bush medicine, rituals from the Never-Never, dance, ceremonies, fire ceremonies, making boomerangs and stone tools. He often fills up his bus and takes loads of clothes, food, toys and other basic household items out into the desert and Aboriginal stations.

Uncle Max – The More I give the More I Keep 

“The more I give… the more I keep” is the philosophy of Uncle Max Dulumunmun Harrison, a Yuin elder from Narooma on the South East Coast of Australia.

People come to his workshops from around the world to learn how to reconnect with the land and to be mentally, physically and spiritually healed. As an elder, it’s crucial to Yuin cultural survival that Uncle Max pass on these ancient customs and beliefs.

Max believes that the more people he teaches, whether it’s through his recently published book or workshops, the more likely he will succeed in leaving a legacy for his grandchildren and everyone interested in caring for country.


Wisdom Man Banjo Clarke

Over 27-years, Banjo Clarke told the story of Aboriginal traditions which include caring for the land, taking only what you need, sharing with others and sensing a deep connection to each other and one’s elders. Once published, the story became an Australian best-seller entitled, “Wisdom Man Banjo Clarke as told to Camilla Chance”. The book is now in it’s second edition from Penguin. Banjo lived from 1922-2000 and his funeral was the largest of any ever held in Warrnambool, Australia. His advice was even sought by the former Prime Minister of Australia in addition to many others. Shane Howard (, a well known Australian musician said, “Banjo was in the business of saving lives on a daily basis.” Here is rare video of his story in his own words, a segment of a larger video based on “Wisdom Man” that is coming soon.


Larissa Behrendt – Environmental Sustainability: what we can learn from Aboriginal Culture – The Juice Media.

“The concept of sustainability has always been central to Indigenous cultures’ – Larissa Behrendt (of the Eualeyai/Kamillaroi people) talks about the lessons derived from her Indigenous culture relating to climate-change, environment/sustainability, Aboriginal totems and customs, wisdom and the principles of connectedness. ‘I’d like to see the Indigenous cultures of Australia become the central cultures of this country, that all Australian feel that Indigenous cultures are part of our heritage.’ In order to achieve this, Larissa advocates the need to protect Indigenous culture within a culture of human-rights.

The University of Sydney Indigenous Seminar Series

Bruce Pascoe is a man of many talents. His varied career has spanned teaching, farming, bar-tending, working on an archaeological site, lecturing, researching Aboriginal languages as well as writing.

His thirteenth and most recent book Dark Emu: Black Seeds – Agriculture or Accident? explores the writings and paintings of early colonialists in order to deconstruct over-simplified portrayals of Indigenous life and to examine the agricultural and scientific discoveries of our ancestors – who were far from simply hunter-gatherers.

 The Conversation – SBS

Some Australian Indigenous Languages you should Know.

How many Indigenous languages exist in Australia? Who knows this shit?! Indeed who does know?

ABC Open: Real Stories made by Real People around Australia

Reviving Aboriginal Language of South Coast Elders

AIATSIS Special Seminar Sydney

Dr Jakelin Troy discusses findings from her time in Israel as a Yachad Scholar
Dr Jakelin Troy is the Director of AIATSIS Research, Indigenous Social and Cultural Wellbeing). Jakelin is a Ngarigu woman whose country is the Snowy Mountains of New South Wales, Australia. Jakelin’s academic research is diverse but has a focus on languages and linguistics, anthropology and visual arts. She is particularly interested in Australian languages of New South Wales and ‘contact languages’. Her doctoral research was into the development of NSW Pidgin. Since 2001 Jakelin has been developing curriculum for Australian schools with a focus on Australian language programs.

Kaurna Warra Pintyanthi – Welcome & Acknowledgments

Jack Buckskin outlines some basic words and phrases of the Kaurna language. The Kaurna are the original inhabitants of the Adelaide plains area in South Australia. For more information on the Kaurna language visit the KWP website – ‘’

Forum – Aboriginal Methodologies UTS

Join this inspiring panel of Aboriginal researchers, authors and thinkers to consider the use of Aboriginal methodologies, or Aboriginal ways of seeing, knowing and doing, and their impact on the cultural landscape. The panel draws on the leading research at University of Technology, Sydney, and includes Professor Larissa Behrendt (Eualeyai/ Kamillaroi), Jason De Santolo (Garrwa/Barunggam) and Alison Whittaker (Gomeroi), in conversation with Jonathan Jones. 1 October, 2016.