Restorative Education


Discover – Nurture – Learn

Knowing In Nature has designed a restorative education program. Through a multidisciplinary approach, it serves as the practice of leading out from a person, their inherited potentials that are inborn.

We apply the methodology that Teachers and Students are Partners in Education. We hold the view that what are commonly classified as deficits or special needs; are actually qualities and characteristics of an individual and value diverse presentations that are communicating, where words are not always able to.

“What is important is respecting all learners as human beings. Each with as much to share and as the next person”.

Respectfully we acknowledge the times we live in, where the classroom Teacher is struggling to meet the needs of each child. When you note the complexities that can exist within one classroom and the pressures from the mainstream system upon teachers to have their students perform, this is understandable.

Restorative Education is a way of sharing that aims to work alongside to assist in restoring a child’s relationship with cognitive learning, personal development and social intelligence.

We do this through engaging children & youth in outdoor nature based learning activities and processes.

Applying both group and one to one engagement to discover a child’s cognition’s and reactors, learn where strengths lie and where the thresholds of vulnerability are. We work at strengthening physically, emotionally and mentally to enhance strength of spirit and natural character.

Together we cultivate an added foundation to draw upon for real life and everyday interactions. Through varying nature based activities involving themselves, other humans and wildlife we envision nurturing each child’s self discovery and learning experience!

We assist participants to tap into their strengths, shift the goal posts for themselves and develop healthy relationships with one another. They then lead the way with what they have discovered and learnt. We respectfully acknowledge their contribution within community.

Children and young people are our future generations, our future leaders and caretakers, let’s  support them by walking beside them in growing and learning together!

For further information please connect here