Yaama maliyaa    Hello friends 


Welcome to this online connection space, I call this my digital camp and keeping place.

My name is Rachel Shields, I am the founder of Knowing In Nature. Through my Mother and Grandmother, my family lines are of Wailwan and Gamilaroi from within the North Western region of NSW. My mothers father is Irish and my own father may be of Scottish decent. All in all I am strongly connected to and aware of my family and heritage here in this continent known as Australia. I have been gifted to have grown up knowing who my family are and where I come from.

As a child my Waabi (Mother’s mother) called me “Nainiouman”, it simply means “nanny’s woman”. I tend to be guided by the knowledge of old and have learnt to balance this in a contemporary environment. I have found this knowledge in itself to be timeless;  it is from a foundation that includes all life into it’s reasoning.

Weaving on Dangar Island
Weaving on Dangar Island on the Deerabin – Photo by Mel Anderson


What is Knowing In Nature about?

Knowing In Nature is underpinned by Indigenous ways of knowing and being, in understanding the foundations of a very deep awareness/science of how individuals and communities can flourish. We live and operate from the knowing that Nature and humans are included within the greater picture, health and wellness are enhanced when we work holistically and in an inclusive manner. 

Basically, we need each other to thrive, we are all Indigenous to the Earth, we are Nature, we all belong.

It truly does require a community to raise a child and it requires all of us to work together to care for Country and Community!

Earth Art created by myself and my cousin Blayne Welsh for the Didgeridoo Festival on Warrunjeri Country 2017 - Photo by Me!
Earth Art created by myself and my cousin Blayne Welsh for the Didgeridoo Festival on Warrunjeri Country 2017 – Photo by Me!


Knowing In Nature was formed as a means for sharing, healing and bringing community together via an Indigenous Lens or as I truly feel it, an original lens. 

This website serves multiple purposes, it is a platform for sharing, a window into the natural world and a meeting place to connect. I feel the importance in keeping our humanity intact by engaging with people  & the environment respectfully. This is what makes sense, keeping it real in our modern world of technological inter-faces.

“While we may walk in many worlds, lets do our best to respect all and encourage the balance within.”

Out at Emily Creek Big Hole in Northern Territory - photo by Uncle Sooty Welsh
Out at Emily Creek Big Hole in Northern Territory – photo by Uncle Sooty Welsh


Actioning Natural Skills and characteristics for the greater good

Within the diverse scope of areas I work within, I find that operating holistically and relationally is the master key to working with a balanced approach!

Experiential learning and discovery are keys in igniting awareness. Through this, our relationship to the environment becomes a relational intelligence weather in a workplace, among friends or in Nature. We can become attuned and present with the land, the animals, the plant life and with the spirit of life in all things, just as we can become more at ease with our own sense of being in all that we do in life!

Unlearning to remember is an opportunity of which all are welcome to. We acknowledge all are able to both share and learn and nature does not discriminate nor limit possibilities, neither do we. At K.I.N our intent is to support in inspiring respect for life, for the Land, for ecological Health & healing and for growing both independently and as a part of a greater environment and community. Everyone is allowed to succeed!

Throughout all, our intent is to respectfully contribute to social wellness and environmental care in an inclusive manner. We do this by drawing upon experience and connection to nature and and heritage, applying this wisdom in ways that are relevant and useful.

Understand that offering  experiences assists people to gain insight and develop richer connections, this is invaluable. Not only does it support the individual, it can expand out from within to create a healthy community and better support the natural world. 

Seeds carry the information for life to continue and for growth to occur, planting seeds are steps for the future - Photo by Rachel Shields
Seeds carry the information for life to continue and for growth to occur, planting seeds are steps for the future  (Coolamon made by Uncle Sooty Welsh) Photo by Rachel Shields


The foundations of which we work from are through the understanding that we each are but a small part of a greater environment. We exist within an ecology that is always offering up life, and within this life there is an intelligence. We can learn from this in ways that support balance for the benefit of all involved. Through being aware of this, you will find that there is really no need to recreate the wheel so to speak, for in truth; what we need is all ready right here, staring us in the face, but we do need to care for who and what we are.

It is a sustainable knowledge and when one looks deep enough into the life that exists all around us, they will inevitably arrive back to these foundations and revive the inner knowing and understanding of our KINship within Nature and and deepening our relationship with ourselves.

Please explore the site further to learn about programs, workshops, learning resources, community links and  services offered. 

Nature holds the keys to health and connection
Nature holds the keys of how to live in Balance – Photo by Rachel Shields